Whisper in The Dark - Achievements guide
If you have any tips, tricks, advices or if you find any mistake, please let me know in comments.
In total there are 39 achievements with 234 AP.
Story achievements:
Ice-Bound - Begin an Icebrood Saga episode, 1 AP
Silence - Complete Silence, 0 AP
What's Left Behind - Complete What's Left Behind, 0 AP
The Wind and Nothing More - Complete The Wind and Nothing More, 0 AP
The Invitation - Complete The Invitation, Mini Almorra Soulkeeper
0 AP
Ice Try- Find the Fraenir within 5 seconds after he obscured himself, 3 AP
- You have to find Freanir in 5 seconds after he dissapears from fight in story instance The Invitation
- He jumps away when you get him on 90% and hides behind any ice pillar
- He looks like ball of heavy snowing. You have to be little bit lucky to find him in time
- Once you finish story you can replay only fight so If you do not manage to find him in time you can relog and try again
- Tip from HolyMeh:
- Let him destroy all the pillars except one. He won't hide if you don't attack him/keep him near 100% health, so just gradually let him destroy the room. When there's only one pillar left start killing him and he'll only have one spot to teleport to, so just use a blink skill there.
- Tip from Mirichu:
- A quick and painless way to get ice try is to party up with 4 others, and have everyone spread out and get behind a pillar. Did this with my guildies last night and we all got it the first time he ported! It might take a few tries if he just happens to go to one no one's paying attention to, but your chances are significantly higher this way.
Raven Lens Scholar - Find all of Jhavi's Raven lens research notes, 3 AP
- You have to find 5 research notes in story instance Silence
- They are all hidden in houses in Jora's keep
- 1st Research Note
- 2nd Research Note
- 3rd Research Note
- 4th Research Note
- 5th Research Note
Map Achievements:
Ancient Weaponeer - Collect all Ancient Boreal weapons, rewards 27 AP
- Buy all Ancient Boreal weapon skins from Karma Vendor Anette Eymundrdottir
- Each skin costs 2 gold and 75 Eternal Ice Shards
- In total it costs 32 gold and 1200 Eternal Ice Shards
- You will get 8 material chests for this achievement - in total 14 Eitrite Ingots, 3 Berserker's Orichalcum Imbued Inscriptions and 10 Eternal Ice Shards
Bjora Marches Historian - Find and collect all the lore books in Bjora Marches, 5 AP
- For this achievement you have to first finish achievements Raven Lens Scholar and The Hunger
- You have to find 3 books
- A Burden
- You can find it in Asgeir's Legacy without any prerequisition
- you can enter Asgeir's Legacy only after successfull meta
- A Burden
- Research Notes: Ancient Raven Lens
- First you have to complete Raven Lens Scholar achievement
- Then you can find it in second room in Raven Sanctum
- Research Notes: Ancient Raven Lens
- Whats Happening
- First you have to complete The Hunger achievement
- You will receive this book automatically when you kill Boneskinner
- Whats Happening
Bjora Marches Insight: Aberrant Forest - Discover this Icebrood Saga Mastery Insight in Bjora Marches, 1 AP
- Find and Commune Mastery Insight
- It is on South of Aberrant Forest
Bjora Marches Insight: Asgeir's Legacy - Discover this Icebrood Saga Mastery Insight in Bjora Marches, 1 AP
- Find and Commune Mastery Insight
- It is on Nort of Asgeir's legacy
- You can enter this area only after successfull meta event
Bjora Marches Insight: Fallen Mountain Overlook - Discover this Icebrood Saga Mastery Insight in Bjora Marches, 1 AP
- Find and Commune Mastery Insight
- It is on South of Fallen Mountains
Bjora Marches Insight: Ravenfrost Caverns - Discover this Icebrood Saga Mastery Insight in Bjora Marches, 1 AP
- Find and Commune Mastery Insight
- It is on West of Ravenfrost Cavern
Bjora Marches Treasure Hunter - Open all of the norn chests within Bjora Marches, 3 AP
- You have to find 11 Norn chests scattered across Bjora Marches
- You don't need Essence manipulation for this achievement
- Asgeir's Legacy 01 - don't forget you can enter this area only after successfull meta
- Asgeir's Legacy 02 - don't forget you can enter this area only after successfull meta
- Asgeir's Legacy 03 - don't forget you can enter this area only after successfull meta
- Asgeir's Legacy 04 - don't forget you can enter this area only after successfull meta
- Southern Mountains
- Frozen Pass 01 - it is downstair in cave
- Frozen Pass 02 - you need to break wall with roller beetle
- Sons of Svanir Camp 01
- Sons of Svanir Camp 02
- Sons of Svanir Camp 03
- Sons of Svanir Camp 04
Constant Vigilance - Defeat the boneskinner in the Aberrant Forest without losing any survivors, 5 AP
- Defeat Champion Boneskinner with all 8 survivors alive
- You have to kill it fast enough so it has no chance to jump on survivor or you have to break it every phase
Essence Looter - Open all essence chests in Bjora Marches, 3 AP
- For this achievement you have to find and open 9 chests
- You need all 3 essence manipulation on Tier 2 for completing this achievement - Tier 1 opens small chests, Tier 2 opens medium chests
- Each essence open chest with different essence lock
- Resilience (Red) - opens (Green) chest with Valor lock
- Valor (Green) - opens (Blue) chest with Vigilance lock
- Vigilance (Blue) - opens (Red) chest with Resilience lock
- (Green) Valor Chest 01 - you need Red Resilience to open it
- (Green) Valor Chest 02 - you need Red Resilience to open it
- (Green) Valor Chest 03 - you need Red Resilience to open it
- (Blue) Vigilance Chest 01 - you need Green Valor to open it
- (Blue) Vigilance Chest 02 - you need Green Valor to open it, chest is downstair in the valley
- (Blue) Vigilance Chest 03 - you need Green Valor to open it
- (Red) Resilience Chest 01 - you need Blue Vigilance to open it
- (Red) Resilience Chest 02 - you need Blue Vigilance to open it
- (Red) Resilience Chest 03 - you need Blue Vigilance to open it
Essence Manipulation 101 - Complete Researcher Yarixx's tutorial on essence manipulation, 1 AP
- Go to speek with Yarixx in Jora's keep
- He will tell you to attack one Pylon
- You have to attack Pylon and collect balls on ground
- Once you will have 30 stacks of balls Yarixx will spawn Training dummy and you have to use unlocked special action key on it
- Then he will spawn chest so you have to open that chest
Friendly Breakups - Destroy 20 ice shards trapping allies, 3 AP
- When you get 20 stacks of Freezing cold buff you will get into ice shard
- You have to destroy 20 ice shards on yourself or another players
- You get Freezing cold buff during storm or in valley of Asgeir's Legacy
Hunting Champions - Defeat all the champion enemies in Bjora Marches, 6 AP
- Defeat 11 champions around Bjora Marches
- Champion Icebrood Kodan
- Champion Icebrood Voice
- Champion Goliath
- Champion Sons of Svanir Tyrant
- Champion Aberrant Skelk
- Champion Boneskinner
- Champion Aberrant Murellow
- Champion Fallen Kodan Berserker
- Champion Fallen Leopard Shaman
- Champion Sons of Svanir Summoner
- Champion Sons of Svanir Brute
Junior Investigator - Assist Investigator Eleni in gathering evidence of a massacre in Bjora Marches, 3 AP
- Complete event "Search for evidence of the massacre at Jora's keep" 10 times
- Event spawns on 2 spots - north and south from keep.
- Loot Suspicious snow. You will get Evidence of massacre which you need to bring Investigator Eleni
Just Resting - Find Bright Shore, 1 AP
- Bright Shore is sitting in Ruined Hut point of interest
- You need to go close to him
- It will unlock The Hunger achievement
Luminary - Complete all the light puzzles in Bjora Marches, 5 AP
- Complete all 4 light puzzles in Bjora Marches
- You will get title Luminary
Lighting the Legacy - Complete the light puzzle in the chasm around Asgeir's Legacy, 1 AP
- You have to lead light orbs through mirrors and obstacles from one raven statue to another one
- Puzzle starts at the bottom of Asgheir's Legacy west from Gates of Svanir point of interest
Lighting the Mountains - Complete the light puzzle in the Southern Mountains, 1 AP
- You have to lead light orbs through mirrors and obstacles from one raven statue to another one
- Puzzle starts at South of Jora's Keep near vista
Lighting the Frozen Pass - Complete the light puzzle in the Frozen Pass , 1 AP
- You have to lead light orbs through mirrors and obstacles from one raven statue to another one
- Puzzle starts at the top of Claws Perch tower point of interest west from Jora's Keep
Lighting the Forest - Complete the light puzzle in the Aberrant Forest, 1 AP
- You have to lead light orbs through mirrors and obstacles from one raven statue to another one
- Puzzle starts North of Fallen Ruins in Aberrant Forest
Master of the Ancestral Forge - Collect all Restored Boreal weapons, rewards
50 AP
- Unlock 16 Restored Boreal weapon skins
- In total you will get Raven's Eye Scepter weapon, Boneskinner Tonic, 20-slot bag recipe, Recipe: Sturdy Boreal Duffel, Helm of Dragonrender box, Sweet campfire Treat, 20-slot bad, 28-slot bag recipe, Box of season 4 currency, Raven Spirit Shadow, Raven Statue decoration, 24-slot bag, 32-slot bag recipe, 50 Eternal Ice Shards
- You will get title Master of the Spirits
- You can either craft them or buy them from TP
- If you buy them from TP it will cost around 160 - 180g
- If you craft them it will cost aroud 128g, 1200 Eternal Ice Shards and 160 Eitrite ingots
- For crafting:
- First you have to buy Ancient Boreal skin from Karma Vendor Anette Eymundrdottir
- Then you have to buy Recipe: Restored Boreal weapon
- Then you will need Weaponsmith lvl 400, Huntsman lvl 400 and Artificier lvl 400 to craft weapons
- Once you craft them you have to unlock them to count them in achievement
Mysteries of the Raven Sanctum - Unlock the mysteries of the Raven Sanctum, 10 AP
- Try all 8 combinations of answers in Raven Sanctum
- You need to have unlocked both Raven attunements
- You can do only one round in Raven Sanctum per day per character
- You will get 4 chests at the end of the round
- Combinations of answers:
- Blessing of the Daybreak - Drive the beasts away from the healers./ The historical record./ I'll guide the old queen to the afterlife.
- Grace of Dawn - Drive the beasts away from the healers./ The historical record./ I choose the young prince to die.
- Consecration of Morning - Drive the beasts away from the healers./ The spell tome./ I'll guide the old queen to the afterlife.
- Invocation of Midday - Drive the beasts away from the healers./ The spell tome./ I choose the young prince to die.
- Supplication of Midday - Lead the healers to the wounded man./ The historical record./ I'll guide the old queen to the afterlife.
- Consecration of Evening - Lead the healers to the wounded man./ The historical record./ I choose the young prince to die.
- Grace of Dusk - Lead the healers to the wounded man./ The spell tome./ I'll guide the old queen to the afterlife.
- Blessing of Twilight - Lead the healers to the wounded man./ The spell tome./ I choose the young prince to die.
- Tip from Poka:
- if you have your story full unlocked (meaning you have the Master Achievements Reward) you can re-do the Raven Havroun's path multiple times so you don't need to wait the daily reset.
Ravens Favor - Claim victory in the Storms of Winter, 25 AP
- Finish meta event in Bjora Marches 15 times
- There is chain of events around Jora's Keep and it is closed by event "Defeat the icebrood construct before it reaches Havroun Weibe."
Stop Hitting Yourself - Defeat your haunt in the Necromancers Ritual event, 1 AP
- Kill your doppelganger during event Stop the Svanir Ritual
- Doppelganger are randomly spawned when ritual anchors appear
- There are 2 locations for this event
Supernatural - Accompany the Vigil relief crew and defeat the boneskinner in the Aberrant Forest, 5 AP
- Finish these 3 events
- Escort the Vigil relief crew into the Aberrant Forest
- Clear the forest of abberant creatures for Vigil relief crew -complete event "Kill the nigtmares hiding the survivors."
- Defeat the boneskinner hunting the Vigil relief crew in the Aberrant Forest
The Hunger - Collect all the food Bright Shore desires, rewards
10 AP
- First you have to complete achievement Just Resting - It is that you have to find Bright Shore
- Then you have to bring him 6 different foods
- In total you will get 10 Eitrite Ingots and Berserker's Orichalcum Inbued Inscription
- Imported Blood Orange - You can buy it from Karma Vendor Anette Eymundrdottir
- Rabbit Meat Chunk - drops from rabbits around Frozen Pass
- Deer Meat Chunk - drops from deers around Frozen Pass
- Bear Flank - drops from arctodus in Svanir Plateau
- Abberant Warg Meat Chunk - drops from warg in Aberrant Forest
- Boneskinner Flank - drops from champion Boneskinner
Whisper in the Dark Mastery - Complete all 20 Whisper in the Dark achievements, Prize of the Boneskinner Skin 25 AP
- Complete 20 achievements out of 27 listed achievements
Strike mission Achievements:
BIG warning: you need Essence Manipulation to open reward chests. Tier 1 to open small chest and Tier 2 to open middle chest.
Legendary Boneskinner - Kill the boneskinner in Sanctum Arena, 10 AP
- Kill main boss in strike mission
- There are 3 different missions in Bjora marches, each week there is only one of them up
Legendary High Shaman - Defeat the High Shaman in the Sanctum Arena, 10 AP
- Kill main boss in strike mission
- There are 3 different missions in Bjora marches, each week there is only one of them up
Legendary Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen - Defeat the Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen in the Sanctum Arena, 10 AP
- Kill main boss in strike mission
- There are 3 different missions in Bjora marches, each week there is only one of them up
Hidden Achievements:
Everyone's a Critic - Defeat the Ebraged Cook, 1 AP
- You have to destroy cook's supplies in Svanir Camps
- When you destroy enough of them Veteran Enraged Cook will spawn
- You have to kill him
Give in - Sleep within Bjora Marches, 0 AP
- Write emote /sleep in chat when you are in Bjora Marches
Sweet Surrender - Become a boneskinner, 0 AP
- Use Boneskinner Tonic or Endless Boneskinner Tonic
- You can buy it from Anette Eymundrdottir Karma Merchant for 175 karma and 10 Eternal Ice Shards at Joras Keep
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Comments - Overview
Re: Error
20 May 2020 06:58:38 | Yara
thank you for notice. I will check it and update. You rock!
Thanks alot
10 Jan 2020 18:13:10 | Simon
Thanks alot for this guide! Helped me alot and gave me motivation to get the master achievement done.
Grtz simonvdhende.5162
for Mysteries of the Raven Sanctum -
26 Nov 2019 18:52:36 | poka
if you have your story full unlocked (meaning you have the Master Achievements Reward) you can re-do the Raven Havroun's path multiple times so you don't need to wait the daily reset
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Re: for Mysteries of the Raven Sanctum -
27 Nov 2019 14:54:39 | Yara
Thank you very much! I added your tip in article!
Wrong locations for Raven Lens Scholar
24 Nov 2019 14:38:13 | Vthal
The game has an order to them Jhavi's First, Second, ... Research Note - however your guide's "first" is just a random one and not Jhavi's First Research Note - which made it really hard to match (which didn't i find already?).
It would be great if you kept the order of the game instead of random.
Thanks for the guide!
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Re: Wrong locations for Raven Lens Scholar
24 Nov 2019 15:49:53 | Yara
it should not be random. I did try to put it in order. If there is mistake in it I am sorry. do you know which one i messed up?
Enraged Cook\s Spawn
23 Nov 2019 15:24:19 | dvide
The enraged cook seems to spawn in varying location, I just killed him in the NW camp by destroying Cooks Supplies (laying on a box)
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Re: Enraged Cook\s Spawn
24 Nov 2019 10:22:44 | Yara
Thank you for update. I will correct it!
ice try protip
23 Nov 2019 05:34:13 | mirichu
A quick and painless way to get ice try is to party up with 4 others, and have everyone spread out and get behind a pillar. Did this with my guildies last night and we all got it the first time he ported! It might take a few tries if he just happens to go to one no one's paying attention to, but your chances are significantly higher this way.
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Re: ice try protip
23 Nov 2019 13:31:39 | Yara
Thanks! I added your tip.